Da Kult Uv Speed
More ork stuff as I have nearly finished photographing my ork army, and this time is a buggy and scorcha. I have used bits from robogear kits and a terrain piece called Chemical Plant... mad mek stuff :P

I've also finished taking pictures of some of my ork army from the Tournament. Here's the first one, my Bad Moons Battlewagon. Feel free to leave me a comment or a vote on CoolMiniOrNot as well!
"It's Battlewagon VS Land Raider... mind you the Wagon has Ghazghull inside and the LR Njal the StormCaller... it was a bloody next turn with Ghazghull eating dust thanks to that cheeky psyhic force of his, BUT his Meganobz survuved to give him and all his wolf fellas a good stompin :P "
"My army, day one on the doubles Tournament... 750 pts"
750 Pts - Orks Roster - Wurzag'z mekanix
750 Pts - Orks Roster - Wurzag'z mekanix
HQ: Warboss (1#, 75 pts)
1 Warboss @ 75 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 32 & 97); Big Choppa; Slugga; Stikkbombs; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Cybork Body)
HQ: Big Mek (1#, 40 pts)
1 Big Mek @ 40 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 34 & 97); Choppa; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Grot Oiler x1; Mek's Tools)
Troops: Nobz (11#, 455 pts)
9 Nobz @ 455 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 34 & 98); Count as Troop Troops; Choppa x7; Power Klaw x2; Slugga x9; Feel No Pain; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; 'Eavy Armour x2; Bosspole x1; Waaagh! Banner x1)
1 Painboy ((C:Orks, pp. 40 & 100); 'Urty Syringe; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Dok's Tools)
1 Battlewagon ((C:Orks, pp. 55 & 102); Rokkit Launcha x2; Zzap Gun; Deff Rolla)
Troops: Deff Dread (1#, 90 pts)
1 Deff Dread @ 90 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 52 & 102); Count as Troop Troops; Dreadnought CCW x2; Skorcha x2; Grot Rigger)
Heavy Support: Killer Kans (2#, 90 pts)
2 Killer Kans @ 90 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 53 & 102); Dreadnought CCW; Grotzooka x2)
Validation Report:
c-1. File Version: 1.05c For Bug Reports/www.ab40k.org; b-1. Roster Options: Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Total Roster Cost: 750
Created with Army Builder - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com
Thats it for the moment, more pix to come! ;)
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