Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Adeptus Arbites Suppressor squad WIP

Hello everyone!

Following my previous posts over my Adeptus Arbites project I would like to show you my Suppressor squad. I wanted to create a squad using the lovely heads I got over a long time ago from Maxmini miniatures and the shields I got from Zinge Industries.

For the leader of the squad I used the limited edition event only Forgeworld Imperial Enforcer. A lovely miniautre that I can't wait to get it painted!

For the rest of the conversion, I used Space Marines Scout legs, Cadian torsos and various hands from space marines and Cadians with greenstuff to achieve the pose I wanted. Finally the power mauls are made from Berzerker chainaxes and power axes, with the axe chopped off. I finished the models using resin bases from Models and Minis.

I still want to add some things before I get them to the painting table, but they are more or less finished. I would love to hear what you think. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Minions take over!

Hello everyone!

Taking a break from the more serious posts lately I have decided to finish those little fellas I had just sitting in my workbench. They are some great models I got from the Dice Lady, go check her store, very nice things for wargamers.

I hope you like them :) I would love to hear your comments and see your votes on CoolMiniOrNot

Till next time, take care!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Adeptus Arbites Supressor finished

Hello everyone!

Following my last post I managed to finish my Adeptus Arbites Suppressor. I am really pleased with how it turned out, I think it has the urban feeling I was going for, plus the Maxmini police heads really make the commander stand out!

If you like it please leave me a vote on CoolMiniOrNot  and as always comments and remarks are more than welcome!
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