Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ork Battlefortress part 2

As promised, here are some more WIP pics on my Battlefortress. The thing with this construction (as with all of my constructions as a matter of fact :P ) is that I didn't have a specific plan in my mind so I cannot post a reliable step by step guide. You'll have to figure things out of the pictures. 

To make things a little bit easier I have dug out some older WIPs (before the armor plates were fixed) to give you an idea what I mean. 


As you can see I have used a ton of bits from various sources including some 1:35 kits (the track system of a Sherman, a british WWII transport (I always forget its name :S) and some Panther tracks (kudos to the Antipope that figured out how I have created the deffrolla with the upside tracks. The thing that he couldn't figure out (and I bet noone can) is the fact that the main body of the deffrolla is taken from AXE Deodorant bottles :P 

yes, its the top of the bottle ... :P

Hmmm, what else I can remember, ah yes... There is also a toy bulldozer in it, its the yellow parts and I must say that it fit the built perfectly.

So stay tuned for more updates as I continue the search of my Battlefortress dark history... :P  

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ork Battlefortress

Hello! long time no see but this time I decided to go with something big. Well actually it's a project that I have finished for quite a long time now but since then a lot of things have changed to the actual model so I think that its still something new... anywayz enough with the blabbering and on to the pics:


These are some WIP pictures of my interpretation of an Ork Battlefortress. I had built it as a Battlewagon back in the day but when GW's weedy one came out I decided to use it as a Battlefortress instead.

I will continue with the WIP pics so keep in touch for more updates

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

just checking...

Hey,its me again...just checking my brand new HTC HD2.Posts will be more regular now thanks to the joys of modern technology :)
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