Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Better late than never

Hello to everyone!

Its been a while again since my latest post and I have been stalling my hobby progress yet again... work and a terrible loss of inspiration, combined with a hefty temperature raise led me to the inevitable pause of any activity and project. Hopefully I will be able to change this situation next week, thinking of doing something radical for a change...

About a week ago I took part to a really nice local 40K Tournament, full of nice terrain, people, armies and atmosphere, the Independent Club Tournament. This time in conjunction with the main event, was organised a painting competition full of quality entries from various talented Greek artists, you can see some pictures of the whole event over their Facebook page

I have decided to enter the competition with some of my models as well and I have managed to earn the 1st place for my Marshall Durak Rusk Conversion

that's my prize in the back! :P

I am so happy for this, and although a long time has passed since then, I feel the need to share it with you people! 

So there you go, a small update for now. Hopefully I will get my hands working again to present something bigger! :)

In the meantime, maybe leave me a vote for Mr Rusk in CoolMiniOrNot if you haven't already! ;)

Last but definitely not least, an extremely cool playlist for your early summer enjoyment! Take care!!

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