Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blog down, call out the air support!

Hello everyone!

During the past 5 days or so my blog was inaccessible... there was a splash screen instead with an oops message (covering the usual google twisted sense of humor) informing the user that if the problem persists try refreshing the page (duh)

The problem obviously persisted ... and to a whole bunch of bloggers out there as well. Google support forums filled with bloggers complaining about the same issue. And it seemed to be a really persistent one, taking google support 5 days to apply a fix that solved the problem as a whole and not partly...
Anyways, enough with my rumblings... I would like your feedback on how good you can read my blog now.

On a more hobby-like side of events, I managed to finish a piece of terrain I had laying in my closet for quite a long time now, the Skyshield Landing Pad, and hopefully this will be the start of a long range of terrain pieces I am planning to create.

A really nice kit, lots of detail as in all of GW's terrain kits and a real pleasure to paint, although nothing out of the ordinary again. Lots of airbrushing work and a small stencil to make the V1 marking in the middle. I would love to hear what you think and leave me a vote on CoolMiniOrNot :) !

Hitting my playlist hard, its the new Answer album! Play it loud!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Legion of The Damned

Hello everyone!

I just love the Legion of the Damned. Their whole mysterious fluff and looks really gives an unearthly tone to every Space Marines Army. On the plus side, their rules are really great, making them a good addition to my Imperial Fists.

Click-ie for biggie

I have been playing with them lately, trying out some new lists with my Imperial Fists, and I just finished painting a squad.

Nothing out of the ordinary here, but I thought that a lava themed base would really suit these guys, so I made some from greenstuff and cork, I think the results are cool, let me hear what you think, maybe leave me a vote on CoolMiniOrNot too!

Bases WIP
Can't get blacker than this I guess! 

Till next time, take care!
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