Carnival of Chaos Plague Cart
Hello everyone
Quite a few time ago, I had a small talk with a friend of mine about how great Mordheim really is. He and his local club had just started a small campaign and I thought that it would be really nice to jump into action and remember the good old days. My all time favorite Witch Hunter warband would be glad to burn some witches once more but I thought that a new one would be much better. In our talk we also discussed about the ridiculus prices Mordheim models and warbands are sold on ebay and the discussion ended on the Plague Cart of the Carnival of Chaos.
the original model that Games Workshop released |
This model goes for prices of up to 150 Pounds on ebay and I really didn't want to spend all these money on such a (not so great after all) model. Therefore, the idea really came into my mind, I should make one of my own.
Not so long ago, I
have purchased my own 3D printer and since then
I had a ton of fun creating
all sorts of things, so I have decided to use it for this project as well.
After quite a few hours of printing the end result is the following
The end model have been extensively converted and modelled to create that slimey and rotted look that papa Nurgle always favors. The driver is based on a plastic Skaven model with lots of sculpting to create the robes. Tiny bits and pieces were added to the cart, trying to avoid going overboard. I wanted to keep that one simple yet full of character.
clickie for biggie ;) |
The paint scheme is mostly based on the original model. I liked the contrast of the boney white areas with the dark brown ones.
I hope I you like the model as much as I do, I would love to hear your comments and see your votes on
Thank you, till next time, take care! :)