Friday, October 28, 2016

Pre-Heresy Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnought finished Dreadtober Challenge #3

Hello everyone!

I am really happy to announce that I have just finished this years Dreadtober Challenge from The Broken Paintbrush.

After a month of (not so) hard work, I managed to finish a model that I had it sitting in my closet for the past 4 years (at least). The motivation and inspiration that everyone gave me with their wonderful participations was really outstanding and I can't wait to see everyone's finished models.

Without further ado then, here is my finished addition to my ever-growing Death Guard army.

The model has been made using a similar palette with the rest of my army, trying to keep a uniform theme. I am glad I achieved that, bearing in mind that the previous model I tried painting for this army was aeons ago, I am glad I can still remember the colors I used.

That said, I tried using some new techniques, mainly with the airbrush. The model was sprayed various bone and white tones to create the main shadows and highlights.

It was then heavily weathered using a variety of brown and black inks and glazes to match the rugged and venerable look that I love creating on my Death Guard models, some WIPs of that stage you can see on my previous posts.

The model was finished painting the wonderful resin base from Models and Minis in metallic tones.

I could have added more details on colours and techniques used but I am short on time right now, if there are any questions I would be really happy to answer them in the comments and of course I would be more than happy to hear what you think!

Finally, don't forget to leave me a vote on CoolMiniOrNot if you have the time! :)

Till next time and project, take care!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnought WIP (Part 2) - Dreadtober Challenge #2

Hello everyone!

This week I have continued work on my Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnought as part of the Dreadtober Challenge #2 and I must say that I reached a point with weathering that I am happy with. The main colors are finished and I will move on now to the metallics.

I have already did the base colors of the metallics, for both the model and the base. I know that this weeks challenge is the base itself, but I have it already finished since I was lasy enough to use a resin scenic base for my model :P

I have been working on the model for quite a long time, when I realised that I needed to be adding some green too, as the color sceme of the Death Guard has green in it, something that completely slipped my mind. So here I was, completely covering all my hard worked weathering on the shoulder pads and knee pads with green and of course I had to reweather the specific areas again... That cost me some time but it wasn't such a big fuss after all.

That said, here is the current WIPs of my model. There are a lot of things still needed to be done but I think we are getting there...

Hope you like my progress so far, I would love to hear your comments and remarks!
Till next time, take care!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnought WIP - Dreadtober Challenge #1

Hello everyone!

Joe from Broken Paintbrush got me digging up my Forgeworld boxes to build something I have purchased aeons ago with his Dreadtober Challenge #2 , the Contemptor Dreadnought

As you may probably have already seen from the pics, I tried to keep it as simple and original as possible. The model itself is a beauty and I dont want to spoil it with too many conversions. That said, I only added some Death Guard photo ethced iconography that I had laying around, adding to the model fluff and flavor. The model is based on a resin base from
Oddly enough, the model proved to be a pain in assembly mostly trying to find the correct pose. I wanted to pose it like it is searching for its next target, setting aside all obstacles in its way.

For the painting part, I am planning to keep it as close as possible with my other Death Guard models, extremely weathered and battle torn.

Keep an eye on further updates as I will start painting it soon, as part of the challenge I must keep the project rolling and finish it by the end of the month.

As always comments and remarks are more than welcome!
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