Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Da Kult Uv Speed

More ork stuff as I have nearly finished photographing my ork army, and this time is a buggy and scorcha. I have used bits from robogear kits and a terrain piece called Chemical Plant... mad mek stuff :P


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The vile Ratmen and their (other) kin

With the release of the new Skaven Armybook I've decided to rebuild my Skave army starting with my all time favourite, the DoomWheel. I've only done some slight modifications like the banner and the scenic base, not wanting to change the retro feeling of the model. Tell me what you think.

I've also finished taking pictures of some of my ork army from the Tournament. Here's the first one, my Bad Moons Battlewagon. Feel free to leave me a comment or a vote on CoolMiniOrNot as well! 

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tourney time is over!

Got some time to update my blog but this time updates will be lotz! I begin with some pix from a local Tournament I went to last week and had a great time! My Orksez are still undefeated and I am very proud about that. More pix of my army coming soon!!

"It's Battlewagon VS Land Raider... mind you the Wagon has Ghazghull inside and the LR Njal the StormCaller... it was a bloody next turn with Ghazghull eating dust thanks to that cheeky psyhic force of his, BUT his Meganobz survuved to give him and all his wolf fellas a good stompin :P "


"My army, day one on the doubles Tournament... 750 pts"

750 Pts - Orks Roster - Wurzag'z mekanix

750 Pts - Orks Roster - Wurzag'z mekanix

HQ: Warboss (1#, 75 pts)

   1 Warboss @ 75 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 32 & 97); Big Choppa; Slugga; Stikkbombs; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Cybork Body)

HQ: Big Mek (1#, 40 pts)

   1 Big Mek @ 40 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 34 & 97); Choppa; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Grot Oiler x1; Mek's Tools)

Troops: Nobz (11#, 455 pts)

   9 Nobz @ 455 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 34 & 98); Count as Troop Troops; Choppa x7; Power Klaw x2; Slugga x9; Feel No Pain; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; 'Eavy Armour x2; Bosspole x1; Waaagh! Banner x1)

      1 Painboy ((C:Orks, pp. 40 & 100); 'Urty Syringe; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Dok's Tools)

      1 Battlewagon ((C:Orks, pp. 55 & 102); Rokkit Launcha x2; Zzap Gun; Deff Rolla)

Troops: Deff Dread (1#, 90 pts)

   1 Deff Dread @ 90 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 52 & 102); Count as Troop Troops; Dreadnought CCW x2; Skorcha x2; Grot Rigger)

Heavy Support: Killer Kans (2#, 90 pts)

   2 Killer Kans @ 90 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 53 & 102); Dreadnought CCW; Grotzooka x2)

Validation Report:

c-1. File Version: 1.05c For Bug Reports/; b-1. Roster Options: Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission

Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Total Roster Cost: 750

Created with Army Builder - Try it for free at



Thats it for the moment, more pix to come! ;)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mephiston and the commission continues!

I have just finished another commission piece I was working on the past few days. It is one of my all time favorites from Jes Goodwin, Mephiston the lord of death. Nothing fancy here, just what hopefully I think is a clean paintjob. I would appreciate your feedback! ... and maybe some votes in CoolMiniOrNot here

Now it is time to have some work done for the Games Fair that I'm attending to at the end of the month....and that means a LOT of Orks and vehicles :P stay tuned ;)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Commission snippets continue...

... and the first tactical squad is almost finished. Tell me what you think!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Various commission snippets!

Hello! Got my hands on my commission stuff as I already told you with the creation of a test model. The sceme came out nicely and I am building the first squad.


As I was progressing though on my other commission piece (yes I got another one :P ) Blood Angels lord Mephisto (more on this chap soon...! ) I suddenly got this idea that can save some trouble. I suppose many of you use pins to hold your models as you paint them. I also suppose that many of you got GW's painting station. Well you can use the holes that you have for the brushes to hold your model straight avoiding splashes and colour smudges. I suppose many of you could have already figured it out but what the heck, I thought I would share this anywayz ... :P


Thursday, September 17, 2009

ahh, just got my commission stuff and boy, they are a lot!! Up with my sleeves then and heads down to work. I've created a couple of paint scemes for the army and my client and I ended up between those two:


what do you think? Which one is the best?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

CMON Contest 16 Finished!

... and what a joy, I placed 3rd, thanks to a fellow contestant's notice since a mistake had actually placed me 4th (thanks majestic ;) ) . Here's my Lich King from Mad Puppet, hope you like him

and why don't you leave me a vote here : 

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just moved in ...

Hi to everyone! Well some of you that probably remember my previous website will find the new look well... new! This is done for quite a lot of reasons but mostly because I would like to create something easier to update and maintain in a good working order, thus I thought of creating a blog.

I'm in the process of doing a lot of stuff ATM (read the first post for more details) and one of these is to modify this space to match my standards :P

So check back often, changes are soon to be follow!!


oh no... more Marines

Why does Games Workshop has to create such mouthwatering miniatures all the time? I think I will have to change my house just to make more room for my minis Yes, I'm talking about Space Wolves and for those that haven't heard the news here are some 4 ya:

Anywayz, got my hands full ATM with a load of projects. Got a commission for a custom made marine army, some Blood Angels for a collector and of course the almighty Space Hulk that has these ASTONISHING Blood Angels Termies ready to feel the tip of my brush... watch this space
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