Bell of lost souls posts my game caption!
Glad that other people found it funny too! :P
Glad that other people found it funny too! :P
Hey everybody! Just returned from a local 40K tournament and took the 1st place with me. I have to say that it was a real pleasure all the games and I had so much fun!
The best thing about this tourney was Snikrot! I must say that this guy just won a permanent place in my roster, at least for some games to come. Not the monster killing machine that one would expect but its a pain in the **s for the opponent and he killed more than his point cost in every game... and he is a ninja ork! what more can an ork player ask for? :P
Here are some pix:
"knock Knock!!
Hi there everyone! I thought that I shoould post the next part of my Battlefortress WIP and this time is painting!
I thought that from the way the construction went and the shape of the vehicle finalized to a racing overall pattern (you know with the racing fin at the back - hope that I got this correct :P ) I thought that a GO FASTA red Evil Sunz pattern with some nice flames would be appropriate! So there it is, the monstrosity painted up!
Still there are quite a few things to be touched up and finish the project but more on this on the final part of this WIP marathon! :P
The crew :
Would love to hear your comments!