Not the update that I expected for my 100th post...
so yay!! I reached post 100!!
On a modelling perspective, I am totally thrilled with 2 things lately! The Horus Heresy release from Forgeworld and the Chaos release from GW! You are already familiar with my Death Guard project (if not, make a small search in this blog ;) ) and now I will have more Death Guard goodies to play with, not to mention my own primarch at last!! :D
On the Chaos side of things, I am gathering resources for my post-heresy Death Guard army, my next big project! Keep your eyes peeled for more info... I have a ton of ideas, not sure how many will see the light of day :P
I have been listening to a lot of music lately, not for inspiration but for keeping me awake :P
Take care till next time! :)