Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone! I wish your stockings are full of wargame goodies! :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

The red in the sky is ours

I borrowed the title of this At the Gates classic album (well, at least for those involved in this kind of music) to entitle this post as it bustles in flak fire! 

Not very fond of the anti-air options the latest Space Marine codex brings, I can certainly see some Tau players out there with a faceload of smug when discussing about anti-air options.

Truth is that I recently built a brand new list for my Imperial Fists, based on Lysander of course but trying to fit in as many new toys as I could, including the love them or hate them Centurions.

Having with no more than 70 pts left, the Hunter was an obvious choice to have something in my army to defend against enemy air support. After quite a few games with it I can say that it is a decent choice but nothing ground breaking and definitely you need more than one to have any chance of bringing anything down.

One thing I love about this kit though is that the sprue allows you to build both the options for the Hunter and the Stalker with no conversion work whatsoever (you only need to skip placing a small antenna...) something which surprised me positively as I definitely didn't expect such a kit from Games Workshop. Having this in mind, I decided to build both options at the same time. Here are the results.

As always your comments and/or remarks are greatly appreciated! Don't forget to leave me a vote on CoolMiniOrNot as well

and of course the main inspiration for the title... till next time, take care!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Deep Striking!!

Hello everyone!

Busy as always, here is the first thing I promised I had almost ready in my previous post!

Nothing fancy here, just regular paintjob to fit the rest of my Imperial Fists army! I would love to hear what you think and check it out on CoolMiniOrNot if you like!

I also don't know why but I find the latest Running Wild record really cool! :P

Monday, December 9, 2013

Shit just got real...

I don't know what do you guys think about the new Escalation supplement but for me, I'm just happy that I finally got a good reason to build this bad boy and dust off my orks...!

Be ready for some stompin' action in the near future!

I also got some stuff waiting for the paint to dry in my desk, so keep your eyes peeled!

In the meantime, take a listen to these guys

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