Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Death Guard Grave Warden Terminators Showcase

Hello everyone!

I have just finished my Grave Warden Terminators that I had been converting the past few days (check my previous post here for all the details and WIP pictures)

I am really happy with the result. I think I managed to get the look I wanted. I would love to hear what you think!

Click here for a bigger resolution picture, google resizes my pictures unfortunately :(

Finally a vote on CoolMiniOrNot would be really nice if you have the time! :)

Great inspiration for these guys were the massive riff-age of Orange Goblin... enjoy responsibly!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Death Guard Grave Warden Terminators Conversions

Hello everyone!

It has been a quite a while since I have posted anything about my Death Guard project but I have always been keeping a very close eye on everything Forgeworld releases on Horus Heresy. I have therefore decided to change this by completing a project I had in mind for some time now, making a squad of Grave Warden Terminators.

When I initially started creating my Death Guard army, Forgeworld had just released their Mk2 and 4 armor sets, along with some other cool stuff like the Contemptor Dreadnough. At that time there was no army list available to play these miniatures so I had decided on creating an army based on the Space Marines codex. That said, many things had to be changed so as to be compatible with the Space Marines Army list, and one thing that I really wanted to create was a Terminator squad. At that time I really liked playing with Assault Terminators with Thunder Hammers and therefore the result was something like this...

I had converted some old plastic Terminators using bits from various companies (Chapterhouse studios and MaxMini to name a few, check out my original post here ) This was the original state of the models before the conversion.

That was a long time ago. A lot of things have changed since then, Forgeworld has released 3 Horus Heresy books and boy, did the options available have changed too! There was no longer any need for Thunder Hammer Assault terminators in my army, so I have decided to make a (not so small after all) change of the models to something completely different, Grave Wardens.

For those of you not familiar with the unit, Grave Wardens are a Death Guard specialist Terminator squad armed with grenade launcers and a variety of toxic warfare weapons. More on their fluff can be found here. Foegeworld has released a set of very nice models that you can see here . I have decided though to spare me the money and go for a conversion of the already available models I had.

This was the look I was going for converting my own Terminators.
The models have a great feral look with fur pelts and chains hanging from beneath the shoulderpads and this is what I wanted to achieve. I used greenstuff and some chain bits from the Flaggelants sprue and I think the result came out nicely. The combination of the great MaxMini shoulderpads and the fur pelts and chains give a nice result. Next step was to make the torso look a bit beefier and I had the right way to do so. A good friend an fellow moddeler had given me one of his spare bass guitar strings (he is a very talented bass guitar player among other things) quite a long time ago and this was the perfect oppprtunity to use it.

Another thing that I had to take care was the back of the models. Their fluff wants their equipment to be toxic and Forgeworld's models have canisters of phosphus and other toxic warfare ammunition on their backs. I used a variety of bits for that fron cadian flamers to grey knights weaponry.

The other big conversion on the models was the weapons. Grave Wardens' main armament is a specially designed grenade launcher. I created this by using Cadian grenade launchers and terminator assault cannons with the cannon chopped off. The heavy flamer is an old school Terminator heavy flamer and the sergeant has a combi flamer made from a really old Warzone gun and a hand flamer.

Lastly the final touch would be the Death Cloud projectors on the top. This was a rather easy addition, just using bits of plastic rod. 

I must say that I really like how these came out. I managed to make some models I would never use, useful again, incorporating some very nice bits from third party manufacturers. I would love to hear what you think as I am prepping these for the painting table.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Be'lakor The Dark Master

Hello everyone

I have been working on this model for quite a long now and only recently I have decided to finish it at last. Ever since the release of Be'lakor's dataslate I wanted to play with him, but unfortunately I didn't have the model, so I have decided to make one converting a wonderful model I had from Andrea Miniatures, Astaroth the Annihilator. 

The model is heavily coverted especially in the head so that to resemble the horned figure of Be'lakor. Lots of other minor conversions have been done to the whole model with sculls and chains and of course a huge chaos symbol on his chest

Here are some WIP shots before painting!

One thing that bugs me is the sword, which is insanely thin, it can bend so easily that I am really afraid that it will eventually snap, especially if I decide to use it for gaming purposes. Oh well, you may eventually see a different version of him featuring a different sword

I have also submitted this model to Golden Vinci 2014 Online Competition, follow the link to check it out

Thank you for your views and as always your votes and comments are more than welcome! Check him also on CoolMiniOrNot!

Hitting my speakers hard are Greek rock and rollers Planet Of Zeus, check them out!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Blood Angels Centurions

Hello everyone!

I would like to share with you some commission work I have just finished. The customer asked for some Blood Angels Centurions with snow bases inspired from my Imperial Fists Centurions I did a little while ago, and this is what I came up with :)

Nothing fancy here, just a cleaner paintjob than I usually do. I feel that red is a color that cannot be punished so much with weathering and it is shown better that way.

This is the 2nd Centurion squad I am painting and I can safely now say that I really like the models no matter what everybody says. On top of that I think red suits them really well, although I'm not sure how the customer plans on using them with his Blood Angels army, probably allies.

Thats it from me for now, I would love to hear your comments and see your votes on CoolMiniOrNot:

Till next time take care!

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