Friday, December 23, 2016
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Rare and OOP models FOR SALE
I have decided to pe parted with some of the models of my collection mainly because I want to invest on some new hardware for my workshop (more on that on a later post ;) ) and of course because these are models I am definitely sure I won't be doing anything with them in the future so I guess it is only fair to have someone else be happy to own them.
These are the first two items I am putting out for sale. I have decided to avoid ebay for the time being, and try to find a buyer throught more conventional methods. So here I am posting them here first so as to get the opportunity to buy them if interested without those pesky extra ebay charges.
War Chariot of the Undead Legion - Masterpiece Editions by Grenadier Models
Originally Released in 1985. The box is in near-mint condition with some wear and tear on the edges (as it can be seen from the pictures) mostly due to time. Other than that is a never used item, the miniatures inside are unpainted and unassembled and all pieces are included. The only thing that is missing from the original packaging is the insert which can easily be found (check the links below)
[info on the boxed set]…
[Box insert]…/i…/8/80/G-med-5503y.jpg
[Grenadier Models 1987 Catalogue]
I tried to include as many shots as possible of the whole item, if there are any specific requests I would be happy to comply.
Age of Sigmar-Sylvaneth/Warhammer Fantasy-Wood Elves - Sisters of The Thorn
This is a mint condition, plastic wrapped boxed set of Sylvaneth (or Wood Elves as formerly known) Sisters of the Thorn. The set can build Wild Riders as well. It is brand new, never used before.
The prices include PayPal fees but not shipping costs. I ship worldwide, if you are interested message me and I will give you a quote. The item will be packaged best way possible to ensure it will reach its destination undamaged.
Contact me through the contact button on the menu above or comment below.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Pre-Heresy Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnought finished Dreadtober Challenge #3
I am really happy to announce that I have just finished this years Dreadtober Challenge from The Broken Paintbrush.
After a month of (not so) hard work, I managed to finish a model that I had it sitting in my closet for the past 4 years (at least). The motivation and inspiration that everyone gave me with their wonderful participations was really outstanding and I can't wait to see everyone's finished models.
Without further ado then, here is my finished addition to my ever-growing Death Guard army.
That said, I tried using some new techniques, mainly with the airbrush. The model was sprayed various bone and white tones to create the main shadows and highlights.
Finally, don't forget to leave me a vote on CoolMiniOrNot if you have the time! :)
Till next time and project, take care!
Friday, October 21, 2016
Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnought WIP (Part 2) - Dreadtober Challenge #2
This week I have continued work on my Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnought as part of the Dreadtober Challenge #2 and I must say that I reached a point with weathering that I am happy with. The main colors are finished and I will move on now to the metallics.
I have already did the base colors of the metallics, for both the model and the base. I know that this weeks challenge is the base itself, but I have it already finished since I was lasy enough to use a resin scenic base for my model :P
I have been working on the model for quite a long time, when I realised that I needed to be adding some green too, as the color sceme of the Death Guard has green in it, something that completely slipped my mind. So here I was, completely covering all my hard worked weathering on the shoulder pads and knee pads with green and of course I had to reweather the specific areas again... That cost me some time but it wasn't such a big fuss after all.
Till next time, take care!
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnought WIP - Dreadtober Challenge #1
Hello everyone!
Joe from Broken Paintbrush got me digging up my Forgeworld boxes to build something I have purchased aeons ago with his Dreadtober Challenge #2 , the Contemptor Dreadnought
As you may probably have already seen from the pics, I tried to keep it as simple and original as possible. The model itself is a beauty and I dont want to spoil it with too many conversions. That said, I only added some Death Guard photo ethced iconography that I had laying around, adding to the model fluff and flavor. The model is based on a resin base from
Oddly enough, the model proved to be a pain in assembly mostly trying to find the correct pose. I wanted to pose it like it is searching for its next target, setting aside all obstacles in its way.
For the painting part, I am planning to keep it as close as possible with my other Death Guard models, extremely weathered and battle torn.
Keep an eye on further updates as I will start painting it soon, as part of the challenge I must keep the project rolling and finish it by the end of the month.
As always comments and remarks are more than welcome!
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Carnival of Chaos Plague Cart
![]() |
the original model that Games Workshop released |
Not so long ago, I have purchased my own 3D printer and since then I had a ton of fun creating all sorts of things, so I have decided to use it for this project as well.
I have found a nice file over the internet for a carnival cart and I decided to use this as a base model.
The end model have been extensively converted and modelled to create that slimey and rotted look that papa Nurgle always favors. The driver is based on a plastic Skaven model with lots of sculpting to create the robes. Tiny bits and pieces were added to the cart, trying to avoid going overboard. I wanted to keep that one simple yet full of character.
![]() |
clickie for biggie ;) |
Thank you, till next time, take care! :)
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Skaven Chief Warlord Engineer Ikit Claw
Anyways, here I am once again, finally managing to finish something off. Something I was building for quite a while now. You have probably by now seen my Skaven army building up through the pages of this blog. If not, do so now ;)
In any case, I have always been fascinated with one of the most infamous Warhammer characters, the great Skaven Chief Warlord Engineer of Clan Skyre, Ikit Claw. Being a long time Skaven collector, I happen to have the old model of him, not that I dislike the newer version but as I always like to say, no school like old school! I always loved the character and the extreme details that this model have.
But let the pictures just do the talking, I guess
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Expanding the 3D Universe
I would like to share with you my latest achievements using my 3D printer. I have been mostly toying with World War 2 themes, and following my latest post with the British HalfTrack I wanted to show you what I have managed to pull...
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
M5 British Halftrack 3D printed
Following my last post on my 3D printer I am happy to give you an update on my progress so far with this wonderful machine.
After many test prints I have managed to build my first fully 3D printed model. The M5 British Halftrack.
Till next time, take care!
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