Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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The Nurgle Rotters Hello everyone! Long time no see once again but here I am slowly but surely steadily adding content to this prob...
And yes... my first painted model for such a long time its a reality at last!! I can't believe how much I have missed painting, so m...
Helo again! I just couldn't let this bad boy WIP for long and got it finished today! I have tested myself to several new things on thi...
Hello everyone After what seemed (and probably was) a lifetime of hiatus this is my latest blog update. I hope there are still people ...
Hello everyone! Its so good to be back on my table and this time I decided to build something that I'm going to need for an upcoming to...
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Röknauts Revolution7 months ago
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» Hotlead 2025 AAR
25/03/25 15:06 from Rabbits In My Basement
Another Hotlead is in the books. 2025 was a fantastic year. Almost 400 people attended. Real life got in the way for ...
» Show Report: Austrian Salute 2025
25/03/25 10:00 from Battle Brush Studios
Here's the show report of last weekend's Austrian Salute 2025! First time in the new location, which is larger...
» US infantry (winter war) #4
25/03/25 06:05 from Demi Morgana's hobby log
Winter is just over so it was high time to get some of my recent spoils of war painted . Looking at stuff I paint you...
» Wargames To Go 26.2 - First Contact Games (Conclusion)
24/03/25 06:57 from Wargames To Go
As has happened before, my subject for this podcast episode sort of grew to be larger & more challenging than I was p...
» Quar of Command at Hotlead 2025
23/03/25 20:59 from Rabbits In My Basement
I really shouldn't do this to myself, but I put a game of Quar on the schedule for Friday night, to show the flag so ...
» Showcase: Württemberg Jägers and Horse Artillery
18/03/25 10:00 from Battle Brush Studios
Heyhey, here's some horse artillery and light infantry Jägers from the lovely kingdom of Württemberg, from aro...
» Paerydyn Heavy Gun Tractor
18/03/25 02:19 from Rabbits In My Basement
Another absolutely goofy and whimsical Quar tank, the Coftyran heavy gun tractor, the Paerydyn. It's all tracks and a...
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Damn you Lysander! Damn youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW! I'm in love! (and I don't like yellow!) Do you do commissions? I'm almost ready to ship my whole army off to Greece... great work as usual!
ReplyDeleteGreat Emperor's beard! That is one smashing Lysander you've got there! I very recently painted one myself and it was quite a tricky one to paint but I am very happy with it. No awesome fists on the hem of the cape like yours though (it looks real nice and fits really well).
ReplyDeleteIf I had to give some feedback though I'd look into doing something interesting with the hammer. Maybe paint the fist black and give the silver some blue wash or sparks?
If you'd like to get some color inspiration feel free to head over to to check my version out. Not nearly as nicely painted, but I like to believe I go my own way :)
Damn you Cadaver.Please stop posting beautifully painted models like it.You push me to start an Imperial Fist army too.
ReplyDeleteA very good job as always you do this awesome model justice.
@Antipope; :P :P
ReplyDelete@Loquacious; Always happy to hear your comments. They really keep me motivated! I actually do commissions, if you're interested drop me a line.
@Flekkzo; Your Lysander is great! I actually love what you did to the thunder hammer and I would probably do something similar to mine if I would paint the model again. He surely stands out from other models I have seen.
@War Tales; Thank you! I would love to see some Imperial Fists painted by you, you have a special skill when it comes to Space Marines!
Said it before and i'll say it again, amazing work, id kill for an ounce of your painting skill
ReplyDeleteFeedback like yours Dalinair is what keeps me motivated to paint even more! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThe detail on this one is amazing! Well done.
ReplyDeleteI have an observation to make. I see that there are no darker tones on the lower part of the model. Actually, the left leg looks slightly brighter than the torso. I thing it would have make this mini get to perfection a scaled shading on the lower part such as the legs. Further, the base of the boot can be of a different tone of yellow, darker as well.
I hope you do not mind my comment –as Antipope does occasionally. The fact that I cannot paint like you do, does not mean I cannot be a critic!
The base is reminiscent of a Greek island on Aegean sea: rocky with low undergrowth. And it is amazing as well...