Sunday, October 11, 2015
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Bolt Action terrain
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Adeptus Arbites Suppressor squad WIP
Following my previous posts over my Adeptus Arbites project I would like to show you my Suppressor squad. I wanted to create a squad using the lovely heads I got over a long time ago from Maxmini miniatures and the shields I got from Zinge Industries.
For the rest of the conversion, I used Space Marines Scout legs, Cadian torsos and various hands from space marines and Cadians with greenstuff to achieve the pose I wanted. Finally the power mauls are made from Berzerker chainaxes and power axes, with the axe chopped off. I finished the models using resin bases from Models and Minis.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Minions take over!
Hello everyone!
Taking a break from the more serious posts lately I have decided to finish those little fellas I had just sitting in my workbench. They are some great models I got from the Dice Lady, go check her store, very nice things for wargamers.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Adeptus Arbites Supressor finished
Following my last post I managed to finish my Adeptus Arbites Suppressor. I am really pleased with how it turned out, I think it has the urban feeling I was going for, plus the Maxmini police heads really make the commander stand out!
Monday, March 30, 2015
Adeptus Arbites Suppressor ~ WIP
Back from the dead once again, and back to Warhammer 40K themes because old habits die hard :P
Some of you may have already seen my Arbites Precinct I have done, the rest of you just follow the link ;) ! It is also nominated to be part of the Coolminiornot Annual 2014 so a big thanks to everybody for voting for me!

Friday, January 16, 2015
we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be ~ Bolt Action British roll out!

Britain and Commonwealth List
1 Captain, 130 pts (Rifle)
2 Soldier (Rifle x2)
1 Artillery Forward Observer, 120 pts (Rifle; Artillery Forward Observer)
2 Soldier (Rifle x2)
1 Medic, 33 pts (Medic)
1 Soldier
1 Reinforced Platoon, 302 pts
1 Second Lieutenant (Rifle)
9 Regular Infantry Section (Mid-Late War) (LMG x1; SMG x1; Rifle x7; Team)
9 Regular Infantry Section (Mid-Late War) (LMG x1; SMG x1; Rifle x7; Team)
9 Regular Infantry Section (Mid-Late War), 126 pts (LMG x1; SMG x1; Rifle x7; Team)
2 Flamethrower Team, 50 pts (Flamethrower; Flamethrower; Team)
2 Light Mortar Team, 35 pts (Light Mortar; HE (D3); Indirect Fire; Team)
4 Medium Mortar Team, 60 pts (Spotter; Medium Mortar; Fixed; HE (D6); Indirect Fire; Team)
3 MG Team, 50 pts (MMG; Fixed; Team)
2 PIAT Team, 40 pts (PIAT; Shaped Charge; Team)
1 Cruiser Tank MkVIII Cromwell, 205 pts (Coax MMG; MMG)
Validation Report:
1a. Theatre Books: None; 1. Army Lists: Armies of ...; 2. Force Selection: Force Selection Rules; 4a. Europe (Early) and Generic: Reinforced Platoon Selector; 4. National Characteristics: None
Composition Report:
Reinforced Platoon: 1 (1 - 0)
Headquarters: 3 (0 - 0)
Infantry: 1 (0 - 3)
Artillery: 0 (0 - 1)
Armour: 1 (0 - 1)
Armoured Car: 0 (0 - 1)
Transport-Tow: 0 (0 - 0)
Total List Cost: 1151
so here are the pics of my army. I know they are not the best quality but I need to find out a way to take full army pictures successfully :P
Pretty much tabletop standard here, nothing fancy. I have finished them in large batches of speedpainting sessions and I can say that I am quite happy with the result. The pictures are a bit crappy but you can get an idea on how they look on the table. I need to find a way on taking good army pictures (or pictures in general for that matter) but anyway.
I would love to hear what you think and as always comments and remarks are more than welcome! You can find them on CoolMiniOrNot as well!
Last but not least I would like to say how thrilled I am for another year in a row that my work is included in CoolMiniOrNot Annual 2013. More specifically, my Chaos Helldrake of Nurgle and my Death Guard Tactical squad Faestus are there! I have just ordered my copy and I can't wait to get my hands on it! It also seems to be really hefty this year, much bigger than the previous ones!
I have also got my invitation for the CoolMiniOrNot Annual 2014 for my Adeptus Arbites 969th Precinct, Death Guard Grave Warden Terminators, Imperial Knight and Be'lakor The Dark Master. This must be the biggest contribution I ever had on this publication and I am really proud. It was a creative year after all!
Till next time, take care everyone!!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Dancing through the snow
Winter has shown its teeth here in Greece and what better than celebrate it with an according piece!
This is something I made for a present this Christmas. The miniature is a custom made G.Art piece (I don't think the company exists anymore) but I really love the looks of this little guy sliding through the snow with his little snowboard.
I also created a small diorama to accompany the mini. I used tree bark and carbonated soda for the snow plus some decorative trees.
I am really happy with the result. I hope you like it and as always comments and votes on CoolMiniOrNot are more than welcome!
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Scottie McMuzzle wishes you Happy New Year!!
I want to wish to you, all the best for the new year, good health of course and make all your dreams a reality!!
I had this lovely Dark Sword miniature lying around half finished from almost forever and I decided it needed some love to be finished at last. Scottie is our beloved family Westie dog and I decided to paint his miniature warrior version the moment I saw it! I hope you like him!!
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