Blood Angels old school Libriarian.
This is one of my latest paintjobs, and the result of my new photo settings. I have to make a new background though, until then the pure white will have to do.
(click on the thumbnails for larger pics ;) )
Still there are some things I need to finish before it hits the primer but its pretty much finished...
For those that don't remember how the old model looked like, it was something like this :
So, tell me what you think... more to come as I prepare this baby for painting!
Hey there! I was on a doubles tourney last week with my Imperial Fists. Played with my friend with Blood Angels and the thing went really well. This situation got me into seriously building my Fists army starting with the Land Raiders :P
Got myself some stuff and hopefully you will see the results somewhere in this space soon.
I've got another tourney on Saturday, this time based on the Clash of Heroes scenario from the brand new Battle missions book. Can't wait for this one, you'll have full scale report this time ;)
I just wanted to share with you people the joy that I felt when I saw this OUTSTANDING illustration from the new Forgeworld Book from my all time favourite artist Paul Bonner. Most probably you have seen it too by now but I think that it is too good not to be shown again...
I'm in love :P
It's been quite a long time since I've posted anything but I've been busy as hell preparing myself for another tourney with my orks! It went quite well but damn, I hate those eldar! Here are some pix:
More to come as I take pics of my freshly painted Nobs and Snikrot ... stay tuned!
» Hotlead 2025 AAR
25/03/25 15:06 from Rabbits In My Basement
Another Hotlead is in the books. 2025 was a fantastic year. Almost 400 people attended. Real life got in the way for ...
» Show Report: Austrian Salute 2025
25/03/25 10:00 from Battle Brush Studios
Here's the show report of last weekend's Austrian Salute 2025! First time in the new location, which is larger...
» US infantry (winter war) #4
25/03/25 06:05 from Demi Morgana's hobby log
Winter is just over so it was high time to get some of my recent spoils of war painted . Looking at stuff I paint you...
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As has happened before, my subject for this podcast episode sort of grew to be larger & more challenging than I was p...
» Quar of Command at Hotlead 2025
23/03/25 20:59 from Rabbits In My Basement
I really shouldn't do this to myself, but I put a game of Quar on the schedule for Friday night, to show the flag so ...
» Showcase: Württemberg Jägers and Horse Artillery
18/03/25 10:00 from Battle Brush Studios
Heyhey, here's some horse artillery and light infantry Jägers from the lovely kingdom of Württemberg, from aro...
» Paerydyn Heavy Gun Tractor
18/03/25 02:19 from Rabbits In My Basement
Another absolutely goofy and whimsical Quar tank, the Coftyran heavy gun tractor, the Paerydyn. It's all tracks and a...